These regulations establish the general rules of conduct for each of the guests or their companions or visitors who enter this establishment of their own free will without exception. In the provision of services by this hotel there will be no discrimination based on sex, political creed, religion, nationality or social condition. Every guest or their companions or visitors, by the sole right to contract accommodation and/or other hotel services, accept these internal regulations, considering it as a service contract who must respect the rules contained in these regulations. Guests or their companions or visitors accept the application of Mexican laws and that any conflict or fact related to these services will be resolved by local judges, waiving the need to present them before judges located outside this town.

Guests or their companions have the unavoidable obligation to register upon arrival at the hotel and to register their departure once their reservation is complete, even if they come with a group they must register individually, using the physical or electronic instruments available at the Hotel. , and must provide the current information and identification documents required for registration. The Hotel may refuse to provide accommodation if these requirements are not met.

Minors: – Minors under eighteen years of age can only stay accompanied by parents or legal guardians, upon presentation of supporting documentation (current identification documents or relationship document). – Minors accompanied by relatives (uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.), must present an original written lodging authorization from the parents or legal guardians at the time of check-in. – It is necessary that all children and adolescents present valid identification documents at check-in; in the absence of these documents, the stay will not be possible. – Accommodation of minors under eighteen years of age without being accompanied by parents or legal guardians or without legal authorization is prohibited.

The total charge for the stay (agreed rate for the night(s) of lodging) is generated from the delivery of the room. Guests or their companions are not permitted to access a room without full payment. The guest may be required to guarantee payment for lodging and other services and consumption provided by the Hotel by signing a promissory note (voucher) for a credit card accepted by the Hotel. The Guest authorizes the Hotel to charge said credit card with the amounts necessary to cover the payment of lodging services, services and additional consumption other than lodging provided by the Hotel during their stay. It will be the obligation of the guest or their companions to pay the extra amounts for their stay at the time the hotel administration requires it. If the guest exceeds the maximum capacity of a unit, they must purchase an additional room on site for additional guests and must pay the amount for extra people.

The guest or their companions agree to respect the check-in (entry) and check-out (exit) schedule set out in the reservation policy. The guest who, on the day of departure, vacates his or her room after 12:00 p.m. (30 minutes tolerance), without authorization, must pay one additional day to the duration of his or her reservation.

 Guests or their companions must give prior notice at the Hotel reception of any variation in the number or identification of the people who originally registered. Guests or their companions are obliged to respect the maximum number of people staying in each room, which in no case may be greater than the capacity assigned by the Hotel to each room. If the guest exceeds the maximum capacity of a unit, they must purchase an additional room on site for additional guests and must pay the amount for extra people.

Smoking or vaping in any area of ​​the hotel, including rooms or open areas, unless permitted by express signage and exclusively in permitted areas, if any. In the event that the guest or their companions violate this prohibition, a charge of $4,000 MXN will be made. (FOUR THOUSAND PESOS 00/100 M.N.) per event, regardless of the sanctions that the authority may impose.

Guests or their companions will not be able to stay overnight. Visitors entering rooms must register with a valid identification document. Visiting hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Access is authorized for guests accompanied by small to medium-sized dogs up to 20 kg in weight, which must wear a harness, bib or leash at all times. At the time of registration, the guest must inform the Hotel of the arrival of their pet. The pet must remain in permitted areas such as the guest's room, circulation areas and areas designated for such use in the Hotel. The guest will not be able to enter the consumption centers, swimming pools, gyms, event rooms and other areas designated as prohibited with their pet. The guest is responsible for the behavior of their pet at all times during their stay, so they must ensure that it does not disturb the other guests of the Hotel. It is the guest's responsibility to take care of their pet's feces and dispose of it. In the event that the pet in any way harms another guest, collaborator or external guest in their personal sphere, or that the pet damages the Hotel's facilities or furniture, the guest will be responsible for paying these damages or losses before its arrival. hotel exit.

The hotel does not have parking, therefore the guest or their companions must hire an external parking lot, which releases us from any responsibility. Guests or their companions or visitors are not allowed to park vehicles or motorcycles in front of the hotel. The hotel does not have valet parking service. Guests or their companions or visitors with bicycles must inform the hotel to provide support in taking shelter in different areas.

The guest or their companions or visitors undertake to deliver any object belonging to the hotel that has been lent to them, in the conditions in which they were delivered. Otherwise, you will have to cover the cost of the repair, or, where applicable, the total or partial loss. The amount is at the discretion of the hotel.

The pool is an activity with risks. Our pool has signs: “Swim at your own risk. No lifeguard present. Guests and their companions or visitors waive all responsibility on the part of the hotel even if they do not sign any form. By using the pool facilities you accept the hotel's waiver of liability. It is mandatory to respect the regulations indicated in the pool area, including the schedules.

Use of the facilities is reserved exclusively for guests and their registered companions. Visitors must inform the hotel and in case of costs they must be paid in advance.

The Hotel is not responsible for services provided by third parties such as: Taxis, application services, tour services, sports, etc…

 If any guest or their companions become ill, the hotel must call a doctor or paramedics for serious cases. Any expenses related to these situations will be borne by the guests or their companions.   

 Guests who show an aggressive, threatening attitude or are disrespectful in any way, either towards staff or other guests, must leave the hotel immediately and will be reported to the competent authority. The hotel will not reimburse the contracted services and without legal responsibility for the company. The Hotel reserves the right of admission.

 If the Housekeeper reports sheets, towels, bedspreads or any other item in the room stained with ink, shoe paint, hair dye or any other substance that is difficult to wash, an extra charge will be made to the guest for laundry or replacement of the item depending on the damage caused to it. The hotel warns that henna tattoos definitely stain sheets and towels, so the guest will be charged for the damaged bed set or towels. 

 The hotel asks guests to kindly not spread clothes or towels on the windows of the rooms and terraces.

 The hotel is not responsible for any losses that the guest suffers in their room or in any other public area or facilities.  

 The hotel will offer the luggage storage service for up to a maximum of 12 hours upon request of guests and their companions.

 Guests and their companions are obliged to follow the rules for using the Hotel's facilities and spaces, to follow the safety, prevention and health instructions that Hotel staff make known to them, whether in habitual or catastrophic situations. The guest and their companions are obliged to inform the Hotel of any contagious diseases, accidents, or deaths; infractions or crimes that occur in the Hotel and are known to you, so that the Hotel can take the appropriate measures. Additionally, the Guest is made aware that there are certain areas of the Hotel and rooms in which the floor may be slippery or uneven, so the Guest and his companions are requested to take the corresponding precautions, such as, among others. , wear footwear at all times, avoid walking in wet clothing, do not run or push others, use the mats in rooms and bathrooms, prevent flooding in bathrooms and rooms, do not keep the room gate open.

 It is strictly prohibited:

– Carry out any activity related to human trafficking, sexual and/or labor exploitation of girls, boys and adolescents within the Hotel facilities. Those responsible for acts that violate these regulations will be immediately reported and placed at the disposal of the corresponding authorities;

– The introduction, use, consumption, supply, distribution or trafficking of drugs, narcotics, narcotics, psychotropics, intoxicants or similar substances, within any area of ​​the hotel, this situation will be immediately reported to the corresponding authorities;

– Disrupt the order or cause inconvenience to other users in the Hotel;

– Deteriorating or destroying the facilities, furniture and equipment of the Hotel or the rooms, the Guest will be responsible for paying these damages or losses before leaving the Hotel.

– Carry weapons of any type.

– Use devices with high electrical consumption other than those installed in the room.

– Remove any furniture or elements outside the rooms and common spaces.

– Use the towels from the rooms in the pool (request towels at reception).

– Washing, ironing, cooking are prohibited in the room.

– Throw objects out of windows.

– Use devices that require high electrical consumption;


The hotel has contracted civil liability insurance that covers damages to third parties in relation to their persons and property, in accordance with the applicable official regulations. It constitutes an exclusion of liability of the Hotel and the aforementioned insurance, those damages or losses, including moral damage, derived from willful or intentional conduct, fault, negligence of the victim, such as not following the Regulations of the specific areas of the Hotel, being in drunk, under the influence of narcotics or similar substances, carrying out reckless or audacious acts, acts contrary to their health and well-being; as well as intentional or negligent acts of third parties, such as those from other guests or visitors.

The establishment may deny its services when the guest or his companions or visitors appear drunk or under the influence of drugs or narcotics or when it is intended to be used other than the lodging service without legal responsibility for the company.

In the event that the guest's malicious actions cause physical or moral damage to other guests or companions or visitors, the guest who carried out the actions is obliged to cover the corresponding expenses to compensate for the damages.

The rights of the establishment as well as the guests and their companions are protected to report to the competent authorities any facts that constitute an illegal act or that give rise to liability on the part of any of the parties regarding their persons and property, as long as they occur within the facilities. of the hotel.

This establishment has protocols to prevent human trafficking, specifically girls, boys and adolescents in the tourism sector. If you spot any signs of trafficking, notify management immediately.

The Hotel reserves the right to immediately terminate the lodging service or use of services when guests and their companions or visitors violate any of the aforementioned prohibitions or by providing false information.

The establishment clearly displays in various areas of the hotel, on the website and in all rooms, its category with the current lodging rates and these Regulations, inviting our guests, their companions and visitors to comply with them. .

The fulfillment of the accommodation contract or any other service is impossible due to force majeure, such as strikes, road closures, weather phenomena, natural disasters, or circumstances not attributable to the hotel, will not be refunded.

We invite Guests, their companions and visitors to consult the Privacy Notice, the Reservations and Cancellation policies, the Billing policy, this information is available at reception and on our website:

Failure to comply with these Internal Hosting Regulations by the guest will be grounds for termination of the lodging contract, without legal liability for the company, without the Guests, their companions and visitors being obliged to pay in full for the lodging services and/or services and/or packages initially contracted, waiving the right to reimbursement of the proportional part, or any reduction in the price; The Guest is also obliged to pay the damages, moral damages and losses caused by their actions.


Update date: October 19, 2023

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